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Some Things I was Thankful for Twenty-Three Months Ago ft. a Photo From Twenty-Three Months Ago

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Not showering, but still not having oily hair.

Ashleigh learning to knit.

Kayla being such a good friend.

New starts.

Waking up early, but feeling good all day.

Polite children. There is hope for this world.

Warm Socks.

Seeing Frozen for the third time in theaters.

Wearing my onesie all day. 

Preplanned outfits.

Happy boyfriends.

Tea dates.

My dad coming home from a business trip.

Buying new books.

Road trips to the mountains. 

Books so good they make you donkey cry in the car.

Eating dinner in bed with my parents. 

To Write Love on Her Arm

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

If you know and or follow me on Instagram then you will know about a month and a half ago I got my first tattoo.

LOVE. Love is my favorite word for many reasons. My favorite reason for love being my favorite word is it means something a little different every single time it is use. I love my mom. I love Will. I love blogging. I love Netflix. I love Maci. I love that one denim dress I wear three times a week. I don't love Maci the same way I love Will. That denim dress will eventually loose it's shape and I might not love it anymore. My love for my mom can't even be compared my love for blogging because the loves are too different.

Love is happiness, honesty, support, encouragement, caring, forgiveness, hope, selfless, patience, laughter, pain, respect.

The love my family has given is not able to fit into my description of love because it is too big, too deep. I am one of the few lucky people that has a family who is fully accepting, always encouraging, never holding a grudge. Thank you all for writing my tattoo.

I wanted to carry the lessons they have taught me and the compassion they have shown me. I wanted to carry their love with me always.

Although this is not the reason for my love tattoo there is this super cool organization you should defiantly check out that supports, brings awareness and hope to depression, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and addiction. Their website is here.

A-Z of October

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Allergic to Fleas

We found out Maci is highly allergic to fleas and having been dealing with a rash for two weeks!

Birthday Month 

So many of my family and friends have birthday's in October. Maci's birthday here


As seen in a pervious post (here) I went camping for my birthday weekend. It was wonderful!

Eager for the Future

I am so excited for all the things I am going to do in my life and recently I just have not been able to keep it in. I get to study abroad, marrying my best friend, become a sociologist, be a mom, be a blogger. I am constantly having to remind myself, "hey, you, enjoy life now."


More about that night, here.

Glen Haven

This month I had the wonderful opportunity to volunteer at a migrate housing center. It was very strange watching children have a conversation while I was clueless to what they saying. At first I was uncomfortable being there which forced me to learn. I learned to let go of my expectations. I learned attitude is a universal language. I learned to do what I was being asked even when I did not know what I was doing. This was an eye opening experience for me and I cannot wait to do it again.


By Ayn Rand.

Just being myself

This month I have been trying be myself in every situation. I believe being yourself is the best solution, but it can be hard when have exceptions by other people to be someone else. So I have be working on fully being myself respecting other opinions but not caring what they think about my choices.


One day this month while I was leaving tutoring I saw two kittens and my big heart took over and I could not help it. So Angelica may hate me for having cats in the house for two weeks, it's fine. I think we finally them happy homes!

Layering Clothes

With the weather getting cold I have been experimenting with different outfit ideas.

 Morning Routine

I have found my morning routine and worked it out to a T this month. I may do a full post on it so I will not go into too detail right now, but it is the perfect was to start my morning off and puts me in a great mood.

New Hair

For my birthday present to myself I dye my hair almost blonde. I want it to be platinum, so I can cross that off my bucket list.

Old New Phone

Sadly I broke my iphone this month so I had to downgrade to a different phone, but thank you Will for letting me borrow it!


I feel like my whole life this month has been writing papers for school. In fact right now as I am writing this I should be writing a paper for school.

Queen of Pantyhose

I LOVE pantyhose! I love them, I love them, I love them. It makes me so happy to wear a dress with pantyhose.


The first half of October was just rain, rain, and a little more rain.


I have officially broken out all of my gray sweaters and I could not be happier about it.


Yeah, when I was not writing a paper I have been studying for a test. Needless to say I am ready for this semester to be over.

Unpacking, Repacking

I feel like I have barely been at my apartment this month.


I made my first video for the blog, which can be seen here.


My brother got married!! Honestly their wedding day might have been the happiest day of my life (until my wedding day, of course). Here, is the letter I wrote to my brother and sister.


Guys I really cannot find a word that starts with X that reflects my month (or that I understand for that matter)

You are a Badass

By Jen Sincero. If you need a pick me up or want to feel more condfient about your future this is the way to go.


Between school work, birthday's , and wedding events I have not had nearly enough sleep this month.