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My List

I believe everyone has a list– a list of things they want to do in their lives. I also believe most people will not even do half of the things on their lists. So this is my (current) list. It will change with time, but the point is that I want to document all of these things as I do them as a way to help me keep a record of my goals in life. Life is about really living.

Travel Aboard

Learn a New Skill

Go on a Mission Trip 

Get a Tattoo (September 2015, here )

Go Backpacking

Make Money Blogging

Have 100 Followers

Get Married

Run Another Half Marathon

Go Scuba Diving

Go Rock Climbing

Go to Europe

Own a Home

Sleep Under the Stars (April, 2016)

Drive Coast to Coast

Go to a Murder Mystery Dinner

Start a Blog (February 2015, here

Pay a Strangers Bill

Take a Photo Every Day for a Year

Visit all 50 States

Complete my Random Acts of Kindness List

Be a Vegan for Two Weeks 

Get 100,000 Page Views on my Blog

Dye my Hair Blonde (October, 2015)

Be Brave ( herehere

Let go of a floating lantern

See the Northern Lights

Read 5 Books in One Month (July, 2017)

Be a Mom

Have a Yes Day 

Adopt a Puppy (Maci, February 2015)

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