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Lake Norman

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

It would be impossible to count all the amazing memories I have at Lake Norman. Camping trips. Jumping in the cold water for the first time after Winter. Playing games around a camp fire. Watching Maci swimming for the first time. Stargazing in the middle of the lake.  Listening to stories about when my dad was in college. Getting so sunburnt I couldn't even sit down. Breathe taking sunsets. Although I'm still in the process of wrapping my head around the fact this was our last family trip to Lake Norman I am eternally grateful for all the memories I have. And to top it off this last trip was amazing. Eric and I got a late start to the weekend (thanks work), but we had a great time once we got there. We spent our time laughing with family and eating way too much food. When Maci wasn't playing fetch or carrying a stick around, she was standing in the water chomping at the waves trying to catch them (see picture below). Eric and I got our butts kicked of foosball by my brother's best friends. We took our last boat ride down the river. When we were at the furthest point of the river our boat can go Kyle and I told Eric there were lots of snakes in the water and then proceed to push him in. I don't think ever seen Eric move as fast as he did getting back in the boat, he didn't even use the latter. Thanks for another weekend filled with memories Lake Norman! You will always hold a special place in my heart.

My very best friend

Maci trying to catch the water and all the other dogs trying to figure out what the heck she is doing

Eric was terrified of the Jet Ski at first 

This may actually be my favorite picture ever, because it has my two favorite humans in it (yes Maci is a human)

Who knew Papa Bill could take such a good picture

Mental Health

Monday, May 8, 2017

Last night I had a beautiful, open, and honest conversation about mental illness with some of the most amazing women I've ever known. After having this conversation there were a few things I wanted to share. I should warn though I am in absolutely no way a mental health expert. But I do have some experience with dealing a mental health disorder everyday and I have talked to many others who also have experience with mental health disorders. 

1. People with mental health disorders don't want pity. Understanding? Yes. Empathy? Yes. Feeling sorry for me? No. Having a mental health disorder does not make you less of a person. No one wants pity because quite frankly it's demeaning. There is nothing to feel sorry about having a mental health disorder is a part of everyday life, part of who someone is, and more than likely they wouldn't be the person you love without it. 

2. Mental health disorders are not a competition there is no way to compare them. If someone is talking to you about mental health they want a conversation to express with someone who gets it not be put down by being told someone has it worse or there feelings aren't valid because they feel or express something differently. 

3. You can know what anxiety or depression feels like without having a mental health disorder. I believe that this is a wonderful thing because it allows those who don't experience the everyday struggles of mental health disorders to relate and empathize. This also allows who do experience the everyday struggles of mental health disorders to support those going though in a rough patch in a deeper way. 

4. No one can understand exactly how you how you feel, even someone who gone through something similar, because we experience things uniquely. This can be very lonely. 

5. Mental health disorders manifest in people differently. Just like how the feelings are different so are the symptoms. For me personally a lot of times my anxiety expresses itself as the inability to speak. Even to my best friends. Even to those I love with all my heart. Even when I know I'm in a judgement free zone. Even when my mind screaming so loud it echoes in my toes "Mary Kate say what you are thinking!"

As a ending side note anyone who suffers with mental health problems you are not alone, everything you feel is valid, taking care of yourself is the most important thing, and if you need someone to talk to my ears are always open.