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Currently // 005

Friday, June 2, 2017


Enjoying - SUMMER!!! I have been so happy to not be in school. I have been devoting my time this summer to personal growth. One thing that has been a focus for me is slowing down. I have no need to rush. 

Wearing - Overalls. All day, everyday. Literally they are my favorite thing ever. 

Needing - Nothing

Wanting - A new lens for my camera. I have been dreaming about the 

Canon EF-S 17-85mm for months now. And donuts, but I always want donuts. 

Listening - More audiobooks and even more audiobooks. The last three i have listened to are The Little Book of Hygge, Tiny Beautiful Things, and The Year of Living Danishly. Tiny Beautiful Things in my top five favorite books ever. I loved it so much I bought a physical copy and well as the audiobook. One thing I have noticed about myself is I like to listen to non-fiction books and read fiction books. Whenever I listen to fiction I have a hard time staying focused on the book and the same with reading non-fiction. 

Reading - Moon Divas Guidebook - Spirited Self-Care for Women in Transition. I have just started this book but so far I am loving it. If my life were to be summed up in one word right now it would be transition so I could not have found this book at a better time.

Trying - To live more green! 

Obsessed - So many things! 
  • Redecorating my apartment
  • Maci and Moody (like always)
  • Hygge (Post on this coming soon!)
  • My garden
  • My Milk and Honey essential oil
  • Pink lace up flats from Old Navy and all other things dusty pink
  • Stephen King