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Life Update

Sunday, March 22, 2015

A few weeks ago I took Maci on her first walk, she was not such a fan.  Every time a car came near she would try to take off running.

The first smoothie I've ever made that didn't taste like poop. It was a proud morning

Moka finally got her cast off!! She runs herself out with four legs

On the first warm day Will and I took the puppies to park. We cannot wait for many more afternoons spent in the sunshine
Friends are for making your mornings not suck. Thank you!

Ashley and I are getting more and more creative with her hair in the mornings. I swear by the time I have my own kids, I'm going to be a pro at this. Not to mention how much this girl loves her denim vest

For Ashley's half birthday and Mack turning 5 months old, the girls an I bought cupcakes. Basically the girls and I wanted cupcakes.

New shoes for my next half marathon, here I come!

Will and I took the pups to the park and had a little picnic

It absolutely baffles me how much a love this dog. I don't know how I ever got a long without her. She is my best friend and sidekick


Challenging Myself

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Recently I've been trying to be a happier person. I have a very bad habit of not making time for myself; it has cause me a lot of grief and anxiety. So I decide to make a change by challenging myself. I have signed up for four challenges, for the next three months. 

100 Happy Days
100 happy days is where to post a picture to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or email it (for those who aren't the biggest fans of social media, like myself). Most people cannot complete this challenge do to "lack of time". If you want to check it out visit

Happy Acts
Happy acts is another social media challenge, this abou posting as many as kind acts as you can leading up until international happiness day (March 20). With this challenge if you sign up before March 20th they will donate a dollar to Big Brothers/Big Sisters. You can check this out at 

30 Day Yoga Challenge
This can be found on YouTube and is done by I am using this challenge to relax and get in touch with myself. 

Half Marathon Training
I ran my first half marathon in August and it was one of the happiest day of my life. I had never been so proud of myself. I set my mind to something and followed through. During the winter months my running has slowed down (okay, completely stopped), but I am ready to get back out there and will be starting my training soon.



Things I know about MK, from Haley and Ashley

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tonight the girls took my surface for a few hours and when they came back they had both typed up a "Review" of me. This was so sweet because when you feel lost with yourself and your not really sure where to go it's nice to such an honest opinion from some very sweet kids. Kids have a way of asking nothing but the truth, thanks girls for showing me who I am.

These notes were also a bit of a wake up call for me. I spend so much time with these girls sometimes I forget they are sponges absorbing everything I say and do. I love these girls with all my heart and feel so lucky to lead them as they grow up.

Mary Kate , also known as MK. MK is a very nice, caring, and sweet girl. She is very caring and loving. She baby-sits and works for a family. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. Some of her hobbies include, reading, playing with her puppy Maci and watching movies.  By Haley

Things I know about mk from Ashley

Mary kate leopard is a very interesting girl. She is also very caring and so sweet. Mary kate got straight As every year. but she has her ups and downs. And she past all her SATs. But is I could describe marykate in two  words they would be creative and loving. So let me tell you when WHAT MARY KATE likes. Mary kate likes the way her mom cooks and she loves her new puppy maci. Now let me tell u her favorite food and pizza whoops her favorite food PIZZA!!!!!    


  ·       EAT ICE CREAM 
  ·       TALKS A LOT  


 ·       MESSY ROOM
 ·       MEAN PEOPLE
 ·       HOMEWORK


Snow Day

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Winter finally decided to come to North Carolina. This week we got half a foot of snow. It was breath taking!

The day started off with a yummy breakfast.
We went to a local park to go sledding
Maci was exhausted after playing in the snow and sledding. She was asleep before we were even home!

 The girls and I did a puzzle. Needless to say it was a pajama day.