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Some Photos of Life That I Would Like to Remember

Saturday, January 30, 2016

These are a few that have happened (relatively) recently that I would like to remember

For a week, A WHOLE WEEK, the wifi at my apartment has been gone. A place where two nineteen year old girls who are both college students and love Netflix live has not had internet for a week. Needless to say this week has been a struggle. But, there has been some upsides to not having internet, there are I promise. We have been playing Wii, listening to music, having real conversations, sitting on our roof, drinking tons of coffee, leaving the apartment to study, and hanging out in our Christmas pj's. By no means do I want to keep living without wifi, because I do not please bring back my Netflix and social media and my ability to do homework while laying in bed, but the world did not end without it. In fact it has been a nice break from constantly being on my phone or watching one too many episodes of NCIS (or maybe seven too many). Without the internet our apartment has been super clean this week.

I went to Disney there will be a post about this, I promise. Hopefully by next Christmas.

Maci has really picked up on her dental hygiene 

First week back at school grocery shopping. The second week was about 1/8 of this.

New coat, warm shoes, and a cute dog.

First real snow and my sweet girls.

My roommate painted the mural for me in our living room which is the coolest.

Why Instagram is not Always a Good Thing + My Favorite Instagramers

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Let me start off by saying, I love Instagram. I really do. I love seeing photos, happy photos from the best parts of peoples lives, but often I think people forget that is what Instagram is; a snap shot into the best moments of someones life. Life is not always as perfect as Instagram makes it out to be. That smiling couple probably had a fight about dishes or underwear left on the floor, the model-like mom with her children probably had a break down over whether she is raising them to be good human beings, the independent person that works for themselves probably stays up all night sometimes to meet a deadline. Not to mention the picture you are seeing is probably one of twenty-someting others like it. Sometimes the dishes have not been done in three days, and lets not even talk about laundry. Sometimes I stay in my pajamas all day and have Captain Crunch for more than one meal. Comparing yourself to other people on Instagram is not going to do anything for you accept bring you down. Comparison truly is the thief of joy. Especially when the people you are comparing yourself to have just as many struggles as you do, you just simply don't know theirs.

But guys I really do love Instagram so here are a few of my favorite:

Hailey Devine and her little family are the cutest. Her and her husband, Brad, are videographers who like to travel. You can find their youtube channel, here, and her blog, here.

You can find her blog, here

Oddly enough this family and Instagram is the reason I started blogging. It is a little bit creepy how long I have been reading their blog, here. I just love her honest outlook on life. 

Aspyn and her husband, Parker, are the cutest. They both make youtube videos and vlog. Parkers Instagram can be found, here. Their youtube channels are here and here. Aspyn's blog is here.

So I had this crazy idea when I got my own dog I would stop be obessed with other people's dogs. Yeah that didn't happen. Every time the dogist posts my heart melts a little bit.