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Some Things I've Done On My List (In The Past Six Months)

Monday, August 29, 2016

Sleep Under the Stars

To be honest this ended very badly. I woke up with bug bites all over my face and body. It was cloudy so there were no stars out and it was not quite warm enough to be sleeping outside yet. But I can cross it off my list! I have officially slept under the stars. I am definitely willing to try it agin but maybe with better planning next time (and more bug spray)!

Dye my Hair Blonde

I started dying my hair blonde on my birthday last year and I am just now getting it to the color I want! I love having my hair this color, honestly it is just fun!! My hair is very VERY dead, but it looks cute!

Be Brave

Thanks for always being my cheerleader Angelica!

If you want to see my full list and all the things I've done on it so far click here!

Self Discovery and Other Voo-Doo Stuff Like Healing Crystal and Essential Oils

Sunday, August 28, 2016

This summer I have been on a journey of self discovery. After being very sad for a while I knew I needed a change in my life. Honestly not just my life but myself. For me this started with accepting my feelings even the ones that I had hide so deep in myself I did not even know they were there, after I knew what I was feeling it was easier for me to deal with my struggles. It has opened my mind to looking into other alternative healing methods like healing crystals, essential oils, and mediation. While I do not believe my crystals are magic, my oils will cure cancer, and I can not completely clear my head during mediation (although that is super cool if you do believe those things) it has really helped me keep my head on straight and be more intentional with my time and energy.

I think that the internet should be for spreading joy and positivity so I do not like to normally take out all of my bad feeling on it, but I do think it is important to think about your negative feelings and thought in oder to help you find the root of the problem. I have been turning to my journal a lot recently to help me do this. Its been fun and scary to find out what I am truly feeling and thinking. I have using my journal to help me in my journey of self discovery. One thing I like to do is find prompts on Pinterest to guide me in this process. Some of my favorite links can be found here, here, and here. A few of my favorite prompts are "I feel like myself when.." "Things I value about myself are..." and "30 things that make me smile". As well as working through my feelings in my journal I also like to use to be grateful for all the wonderful things in my life and reflect on the positive things that happen to me. 

Thanks to my roommate I became obsessed with essential oils a few months ago. My favorites oils are sweet orange, peppermint, and my synergy blend called Happy. It is important to know how to use your oils before you buy them so that you know what you want out of your oils. If you are wanting to use them for aromatherapy then you will need a diffuser and oils, but if you want to use essential oils for topical use as well you need oils that can be used on the skin (it should say on the bottle if it does not say whether it is safe or not, do not put it on your skin) as well a carrier oils (such as coconut oil) because essential oils are so concentrated and can do serious harm to your body if not diffused properly. Also some oils can be consumed, but beginner should not attempt this without guidance (the Internet does not count), for an oil to be consumed it has to be a very hight grade and say that it is safe for consumption, I know that some Doterra oils are safe for consumption but not all. What I am saying is do your research before you try anything. My diffuser can be found here, and my oils can be found here and here

Lavender - Helps with anxiety , aids in sleep and has an overall calming effect

Peppermint - Relieves headaches and gives energy.

Sweet Orange - Helps detoxify the body, boosts immune system, and works as a antidepressant. 

There are a lot of articles on the internet about crystals and their healing powers, ranging everywhere from predicting the future to them be simply a placebo effect. While my personal opinions lean more toward the latter, a placebo effect is still an effect. The general idea behind healing crystals is that each stone has it’s own vibration, their vibrations interact with our own vibrations and causing changes in ourselves. I do totally think that is possible, but I have not done much research into the scientific reasoning behind it. The way I see it is because I know what each of my stones are supposed to help with I see results. This is because the stones help me aim my thoughts and action in the way of healing. Like I said this may be a total placebo effect, but I truly see results from using my crystals. As strange as this may sound sometime while I am  mediating with my crystals in my hands I feel the vibrations from the crystals. This may be a manifestation from my mind, but the idea still brings me peace of mind. I use my crystals in many different ways, including mediating with them, simply carrying them with me, or wearing them as jewelry. I care for my crystals by cleansing them after I buy them by letting them soak in water overnight. I also charge my crystals under the full moon each month and set them in the sun for the day once a month. Even if you don’t believe in these crazy healing powers of crystals, but still think they are cool crystals make beautiful home decor. Like I said before I am not 100% on board with all the healing powers that crystals are said to have (although it is awesome if you are!), I personally don’t think crystals are magic but they do make me happy. I have a list of all the crystals I own below and the healing properties. Just a forewarning I do not have pictures of all the crystals I owe because I bought more after I took the pictures for this post. 

Blue Lace Agate -Calms, aids in promoting communication especially when damaged from past rejections, and encourages trustworthiness. 

Rose Quartz - Known as the stone of unconditional love, good for peace, helming, and comfort. 

Sun Stone - Promotes leadership, inspires personal power, and encourages you to take care of yourself so that you can help others.

Lace Agate - Stimulates the mind, encourages optimism and happiness. 

Clear Quartz - Amplifies energy. 

Amazonite - Personal truth, calms the soul, encourages expression of one’s true self, and increases loving communication. 

Citrine - Comforting, helps promote creativity, and clear the mind. Good for new beginnings. 

Chrysocolla - Aids in communication and empowerment, helps with compassion and building character, and calms emotions. 

Pink Agate - Associated with the heart, stabilizes and balances emotional. 

Black Moon Stone - Helps bring to light parts of yourself you have left behind and has a quality of hopefulness. 

Currently // 002

Friday, August 19, 2016


Enjoying - This Modern Love - the podcast

I know most people have felt the pain. The pain of a heart break, the kind of pain that makes you think that you can’t go on. Along with that pain the equally as strong joy that comes with being in love. It is so humbling to other peoples tales of love. Love to me is one thing that is understood by everyone. It amazes me how we can all relate in love no matter how different the situation is.

Wearing -  My cute new booties that I refuse to take off or stop talking about. 

Needing - Needing it to be October because that is the best month of the year and I just cannot wait another month. I have picked out Maci and I’s costume for Halloween.

Wanting - To spend all of my money on fall candles and other decor but not letting myself. I already bought a skeleton to-go mug. 

Listening - Coffee shop noises, perusal. 

Drinking - Tropically green tea. 

Reading - Nothing! I am read out at the moment. I read so many books in the Spring and first few months of Summer that I have no desire to read right now. 

Trying - To get ready for school to start back. I am both very excited and very not excited. I am looking forward to my classes and learning new things, but I am not looking forward to all the work I am going to have to put into it. 

Summer Lookbook // 2016

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Things I Learned My Freshmen Year of College

Monday, August 15, 2016

With school starting back up soon I thought I would share a few things I learned during my freshman year of college. College is not always what I imagined it to be be and it certianly comes with it's own set of troubles, but it is a wonderful experience.

I learned...

  • Good food is something to be thankful for. When you are used to eating ramen, easy mac, ramen, frozen fruit, ramen, and um ramen, yummy food is like a gift from god. It is worth driving home just for dinner or going out and spending ten dollars on one meal.

  • Vulnerability is not a bad thing.

  • To call my mom almost every day. But not for her, for me. Because I miss my parents more than I thought I would. I have learned to answer when my parents call, because when they are not calling to remind me to pay rent or making sure that I ate at least two of out three meals that day, they miss me too.

  • Dishes are the worst.

  • Thank your washing machine every day, because let me tell you four dollars for washing one load of clothes is not fun. And they smell funky too. On a more positive note the laundry mat is a great place to write papers and to keep up with what shows are playing on Nick Jr. And I quote, "stop purple horse, I need to ask you a question."

  • Life is expensive.

  • It is okay to feel lonely at times. When are in a place where you do not know many people and every one around you seems to be having the time of their lives all the time, sometimes you feel like you are all alone. In reality though feeling alone is not always a bad thing, and you are certainly not the only one feeling that way. I have learned a lot about who I am by hanging out with myself these.

  • If it is 95 degrees out and you would like air conditioning, remember to pay your bills...

  • A little friendship can go a long way. I got lucky with having the best roommate and all. When I am having a bad day and drop the kol-aid container all of the floor. It is so comforting to know that I am loved to enough when walk away from the mess crying, my roommate will clean it up, and then come to check on me.

  • Never to use all the air conditioning units and the microwave at the same time. Ever. Or I will be spending the night in front of an open window on the floor in the dark.

  • Cleaning is NOT fun. Toilets are gross, refrigerators are nasty, and showers are frightful.

  • Making friends is not always easy. I am keeping an open mind on who I want to be my friends. I am getting involved with organizations in and outside my school. I am picky friend personally, I only want to surround myself with people who are encouraging. I am in the process of expecting that it is okay to be a picky friend.

  • Time management is important. Your mom is not going to make you do your homework or to class. You have to put in the effort to stay on top of all the things that you need to get done.

My Personal Style

Friday, August 12, 2016

It has taken me a very long time to figure out my personal style. I believe my journey started shortly after I began sixth grade when I decided knee high socks and basketball shorts were no longer acceptable for everyday wear. I remember looking up to my now sister in-law envious of her style and bravery to wear whatever she wanted (even though she thought she was full blood Native American at the time).  What I wear has evolved a lot over the past eight years. Starting with Aeropostale t-shirts everyday in middle school, if you are between the ages of 17 and 22 I am sure you remember this, then there was the dress phase I had in the early high school years. At some point in high school I figured out that I didn't want to dress like everyone else, I wanted what I wore to show who I was. What was in style no longer appealed to me, not that their is anything wrong with what everyone else was wearing it just wasn't me. When I was younger I would alway tell my mom when we were shopping she already owned four grey shirts just like the one she wanted. Well strangely enough these roles have completely switched. My roommate is constantly reminding me how much grey I own and that I rarely ever wear color, and if I do its only just a little bit. I am totally okay with this, and as quirky as this sounds my outfits totally reflect who I am as a person.

I want to stress on point though, appearance is not everything.  You do not have to look perfect or dress a certain way to have other people like you. It truly is what is on the inside that matters, it is the ideas and passions we have that are important. One amazing thing about style though is it's ability to give confidence to someone. I can't speak for everyone but when I am wearing something that I feel pretty in I am a much happier person, I am more outgoing, and I feel like my best self. I think everyone should feel confident in their own body and personally I think that having your own style can encourage that sort of confidence. Another thing that is important to me is dressing for comfort. If I do not psychical feeling comfortable in something then I will not wear it. Part of this for me has been dressing for myself, regardless of what other people think about it. I remember in high school I wore a lot of legging just because that is what I felt comfortable and pretty in. I had many "friends" that thought this wasn't acceptable, but I did what worked best for me. 

I own lots of leggings. I only wear jeans from gap and they have to be. Recently I have been obsessed with two pieces. I love the convenience of rompers. Dresses in the winter with tights are my favorite. My shirts are all pretty much plain, neutral colors and fit loosely. I love coats and scarfs in the winter because I hate being cold. All my shoes are brown. I normally can be found in either my grey sweater or a flannel. I don't wear a lot of jewelry but I love rings and won't be caught dead without mine.