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Best Moments and Other Favorites of 2017

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Favorite Posts

Eric's Birthday Weekend
Visiting My Brother
Summer Time
Lake Norman
Mental Health
Embracing Change
Boulder Bash
A Letter To My Big Brother And His Wife
The Fair

Favorite Moments

Watching Big Little Lies with Eric every Sunday night in the Spring
Getting Moose - I remember running outside while break at work to meet my little guy
Turning 21 - I certainly don’t remember all of this, but I had a great time
Making new friends
Getting to work in my future field
Seeing the Eclipse
Loving my guy for a whole year
Going to Disney (aka my favorite place on earth)
Watching my brother get married - There is something so special about watching the people I love so much say I do

Favorite Instagrams

Biggest Accomplishments

I LEARNED TO COOK MEAT - This is a big one for me I have always been terrified of raw meat. I barely eat meat so cooking it seemed planets away.

I got two jobs - One that taught me a lot and I made some wonderful friends through. The other taught me even more and is in the field I want to work in when I graduate.

Making more videos for the blog and just for myself (here)

Christmas Bits and Pieces Part I

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

I love Christmas, I love my guy. Its been a merry, jolly Christmas season around here. We may or may not have put the Christmas tree up the second week of November, totally fine! Thus far Moody and Moose have been tag teaming to tear up every ornament on the tree. Moody thinks the tree is a toy so he climbs up, knocks an ornament off the tree, then Moose swoops in to chew it up. I wish I was better at writing long deep posts all the time. Maybe one day, but until then this is what you get! 

A Kinda Snow Day

Saturday, December 9, 2017

This was Moose's first "snow." It was more of icy rain than snow, but who cares we are going to count it. Eric and I went out bought the dogs little bears suits to keep them warm. Of course the first time we let them wear the suits outside they got soaking wet from the snow. But I mean thats life, life would not be nearly as sweet if things were perfect all the time. Something I have been thinking about a lot recently is how much I love my life. Even when I’m having my weekly (daily) break down and/or panic attack. I love the person I get to experience life with. I love that I am pretty much constantly running around like a chicken without a head. I love that I get to work with kids everyday. I do what I have always dreamed of doing (helping others) and I’m not even out of school yet. I love that school isn’t my top priority because I am aware there is so much more to life. I love that my days are filled with fur baby love. I love that my house is messing and my sink always has dishes in it. I love that I am broke and have to get creative with money (okay I kind of hate it but I appreciate it for what it is). I love that at the end of the day I know I am loved and I get to love so many awesome people. I am grateful for knowing life is never perfect, but always beautiful. One thing I would like to get into is documenting more of my everyday life. There are just so many wonderful things I don't want to forget about where I am in life right now. When I look back I want to see more than just the big adventures of my life, I want to remember the Harry Potter chess set my siblings gave me for my 21st birthday (featured in the video above), and the way Moose howls (its more like screaming) when I have been gone for more than a hour. Life is just too beautiful to not take notice of these things. As a start to documenting more Eric and I made a little video. I was just messing around with video apps on my phone while we were watching TV, so we decided to go for it. The house is a mess, we were both in our pjs but this is what our lazy nights in look like. Honestly it was so much fun not taking ourselves seriously and were just having fun with the camera. 

I love this picture because even though everything else is blurry Maci's face and tag are in focus

I swear to you guys that Moose sat at the window and watched it snow for over half a hour. It was so freaking cute. He was trying to figure out what was going on and why everything was white.

If you love beagles put your ears in the air

These bear suits are perfection