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Father's Day

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Happy Father's day Dad! I love you so much! Thank you for all that you do!

Our day was pretty simple, but absolutely perfect. My brother came into town and of course they played golf. Then we just had a cookout featuring my dad's favorite meal. We spent the whole afternoon spending time together! It was great! 


On Things Like Washing Your Hair Once A Week

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Recently I read a new book, Hey, Natalie Jean (or you can see her blog here) which has completely inspired me to wash my hair once a week. I know that sounds crazy and gross, but I assure you it is AMAZING. Even baby Maci agrees natural hair is the best!

Only washing your hair once a week saves so much time you could pick up a new hobby. I am serious. Not to mention how much more natural my hair feels and looks. There are no chemicals involved. so there is no damage to your hair. If you aren't using heat on your hair everyday that saves your hair from even more damage.Your hair will not look perfect, but it is okay. Embrace who you are! I have never really been one for perfect hair, ever. You may have your hair up in a bun more days than your used to. No worries it is summer anyway, who wants sweat drenched hair? You don't have to make a full commit either. Have a presentation or a hot date? Wash your hair on Wednesday, it's all good!

You can use dry shampoo to keep your hair from looking oily, but that can get expensive. I use homemade hair powder (two dollars, yeahh). 

All you need is a container, baby powder, and coco powder (unsweetened) so we don't look like we have gray hair. 

Once you add add the coco powder you just mix it up. You can add as much or as little coco powder as you want!


Graduation and Thank You's

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

It is over. It still doesn’t feel real to me. The past four years have had the best and worst years of my life in them. Although I hope to look back fondly on my years in high school, I am not sorry to say they are over. I am so excited about all of the new experiences that are coming my way in the next part of my life. I was extremely happy to have my family here to celebrate this with me.  I couldn’t have made it through these past few years without my closest friends and family.

Thank you for teaching me to always put others before myself and love unconditionally.

Thank you for showing my how to live a glass half full kind of life no matter what gets thrown at you.

Thank you for being a role model to me.

Thank you for being my best friend even from 400 miles away.

Thank you for always encouraging me to be myself and not be afraid to be different.
Thank you for showing me how to stand on my own two feet and sticking up for me when I couldn’t.

Thank you for being my number one cheerleader and inspiring me to follow my dreams.

Haley and Ashley,
Thank you for making me smile on days I didn’t think I could.

Everyone else that I love,
Thank you for being there to encourage, love, and support me. You all mean the world to me.


what to and not to pack for college

Monday, June 8, 2015

todays post is from Sally at  Sweetly Sally! she has been so awesome to work with, and has some great advice for anyone heading off to college! her blog is wonderful, you she defiantly check it out! her out look on life is down to earth and it is so refreshing!

Hey y'all! I'm Sally from Since I am going into my sophomore year of college (yikes!), I am pretty sure that I know the do's and don't's of what to bring. This year, I ended up bringing way too many things, way too many clothes, and my dorm room didn't look Pinterest-y enough. I have a few tips that I am going to follow this upcoming year as I pack to head up to school!
For packing clothes, trust me when I say that you don't need as many clothes as you think. I was told this many times, but I ignored this advice because I love my clothes. Turns out, everyone was right and I ended up wearing working clothes a lot and I only wore about 1/3 of my closet. And, turns out, the whole stereotypical "College Girl Outfit" is so real and you soon succumb to this style.
For decorations, I would say choose some neutral colors and then accent with one color. I decorated my room with navy and hot pink, so this big contrast of colors made my room feel less than homey, and the white comforter that I had clashed with the cinderblock walls. This upcoming year, I am planning on going with the color similar to Burlap, and then I am going to accent with navy. I am also switching out my navy carpet for a tan carpet so that my room doesn't feel so tiny!
As for other random stuff, trust me, you do not need it. My desk this past freshman year was filled was random things that I never used, and they just took up space! I also brought probably 20 nail polishes, when I really used only 2 colors, and I should have only brought a couple because it turns out that my roommate loves nail polish just as much as I do!
Thank you so much for reading! Have fun packing!

things that made me smile this week

Friday, June 5, 2015

Maci makes me smile so many times a day i could never keep count

driving away from my school for the very last time. it was surreal. 

my new shoes

freshly painted nails and playing ball with my babygirl 

... tomatoes 

Haley and Ellie hanging out in Maci's new cage
