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Seven Things Currently Inspiring Me

Friday, April 22, 2016

  • Maci - As always. She is the light of my life. She makes me laugh and smile. She reminds me to focus of the little things like the warm sunlight or being able to make our walks extra long.
  • My planner - Also as always. helps me keep excited about everything going and reliefs my anxiety because i know everything I have to get done. Keeps me on track with school and Maci's schedule along with all the things I am planning for summer, which leads me to the next thing that is inspiring me. 
  • Summer is just a few weeks away! - Thank goodness. I need a break from school. Thinking about walks with Mae, traveling, my moms food, and the many adventures to come this summer is what is getting me through these next couple of weeks. 
  • Outdoors - Its been warm recently which makes my heart sing. Seriously I have been eating dinner on my roof doing homework outside. Maci has gotten extra trips to the park and longer walks. 
  • Pinerest - This one is tricky because when I look at all the beautiful photos on Pinerest it is easy to compare myself. Recently through I have found myself doing less comparing and more striving to live my best life from these pictures. You can find my Pinerest here
  • Flowers - Even if they are dead. Seriously waking up and seeing flowers by my bed makes me so happy! It starts my day off right. 
  • Fresh produce - I went to the farmers market for the first time in a while this weekend! It was so awesome, the prices are amazing and the taste is so much better than Walmart.

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