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Currently // 007

Friday, March 9, 2018

Thinking - I am so damn lucky to be living this life of mine
Enjoying - All of the house plants I bought this week 
Wearing - My green sweater that is made from sustainable materials therefore it is like 10x’s cuter than it already is 
Needing - The weather to get warmer
Wanting -  It to be time to plant my garden
Listening - The rain outside and Eric playing with the dogs
Drinking - Dirt water a.k.a La Croix 
Trying - Pull myself out of the dark hole of anxiety that I have been living in the past few weeks

Orlando // 2017

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Disney is my favorite place on earth. I turn into a six year old the second that Disney is brought up. This year for Christmas my family (minus Colby and Abbey ): ) went to Disney for Christmas. I literally love everything thing about Disney, waiting in lines with my family, running around the park to get to the next ride Leopard style, over priced park food, it’s just all so magical. The Leopards have a tenancy to love the slow educational rides just as much as the fast rides, here we come the The Land and The People Mover. Because we lived in Florida when I was born and had year long passes my family knows all the parks super well. We know all the short cuts and which rides are worth our time, aka the aforementioned Leopard style. Something I did this trip that I’ve never done before was buy pins, which was super fun. My mom bought Eric and I the cutest pin Mickey and Minnie kissing. This was Eric’s first trip to Disney and aahhhh it was the best! The only thing I love more than Disney is sharing Disney with the people I love. Eric was slightly terrified of the roller coasters, but rode them all anyway. I think my favorite moment from this trip was right after we got off Rockin Roller Coaster. Eric said “I kept my eyes open the whole time” right as we were walking around the corner to ride pictures and there Eric was with his eyes closed as tight as possible in our picture! We also visited Universal Studios which means one thing and one thing only, HARRY POTTER WORLD! Luckily I was able to bring my own rob, but I got my wand at Olivander’s, of course. To quote my brother, Kyle, “If your not a 25 year old man walking around Universal with a wand in your hand, are you really a man?”

Currently // 006

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Enjoying - being at home. Vacation was fun but there is nothing like being at home with my babes and sleeping in my own bed. 

Wearing - comfy clothes that keep me as warm as possible. It’s been freezing lately. 

Needing - just a few more days on holiday. 

Wanting - to do well at work and in school the next semester. 

Listening - to Eric making ramen in the kitchen and the sounds the floor heater makes at night.

Reading - The Goldfinch I was total in love with this book, but the storyline didn't go the way I wanted it to so I haven't been reading as much. 

Trying - to go to sleep but not wanting to because I’m so inspired and I just want to be productive 

Planning - how I’m going balance work, school, and fur mamaing (yes I just made mama a verb) once the semester starts.

Thinking - how grateful I am for the life I have and the stage my life in at the moment.

Eating - cookie dough. I decided to no longer buy sweets from the store, if I want cookies or etc. I have to make them myself. My thought process was I would eat less sweets but I’m not so sure that’s going to be the case. I’m getting really good at making dough from scratch and can make 48 cookies at a time. Oops! 

Best Moments and Other Favorites of 2017

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Favorite Posts

Eric's Birthday Weekend
Visiting My Brother
Summer Time
Lake Norman
Mental Health
Embracing Change
Boulder Bash
A Letter To My Big Brother And His Wife
The Fair

Favorite Moments

Watching Big Little Lies with Eric every Sunday night in the Spring
Getting Moose - I remember running outside while break at work to meet my little guy
Turning 21 - I certainly don’t remember all of this, but I had a great time
Making new friends
Getting to work in my future field
Seeing the Eclipse
Loving my guy for a whole year
Going to Disney (aka my favorite place on earth)
Watching my brother get married - There is something so special about watching the people I love so much say I do

Favorite Instagrams

Biggest Accomplishments

I LEARNED TO COOK MEAT - This is a big one for me I have always been terrified of raw meat. I barely eat meat so cooking it seemed planets away.

I got two jobs - One that taught me a lot and I made some wonderful friends through. The other taught me even more and is in the field I want to work in when I graduate.

Making more videos for the blog and just for myself (here)